Tag - sxe

August 2013

sXe Server

(+) add: __sxei_16bppshow 1/0 (show/hide [16bpp] on player name / default 1)
(+) add: __sxei_16bppkick 1/0 (kicks players using [16bpp] displays a message-see picture- default 0)

July 2013

sXe Injected 14.1 Released!

 (+) Add: global ban fully implemented

 (+) Add: cheats blocked

 (+) Add: new auto update feature (availabe in the next release)

 (!) Fix: Bpp detection fixed

 (!) Fix: upside down D3D screenshots fixed

Global Ban
Finally, the global ban is functional. You can find an explanation of how it works in features. And you can see the list of banned players here (only the last fifty).

you can find the first ban of history by clicking here

Auto Update (Beta)
Yes, auto update is back again, this new […]

June 2013

May 2013

sXe Injected 14.0 Released!

(+) Add: Global Ban.

(!) Fix: Counter-Strike 1.5

(!) Fix: "m_rawinput 1" for Steam

(!) Fix: bugfixing

(!) Fix: server-side, fix timeout management

 Global Ban

 Global ban is now fully functional, in the next days it will be configured with all cheats and it will start looking at your game for known modules, processes, drivers, memory signatures, etc.

The list of banned players will be public, in the meanwhile please do not use cheat or your Hardware ID could be banned for a period of time.


 More […]

April 2013

February 2012

sXe Injected v12.1 Released!


Fix: "subsystem altered!" false positive.

Fix: Alias blocked again

Fix: Anti-SoundHack fixed (server side)

Fix: Client CPU consume 

Fix: Data Execution Prevention (DEP) fixed

Add: new validations for cheats

Add: new challenge

Add: new validations for maps

Add: Command lines added (-gl, -d3d, -soft)

Add: IWS minor bugs

Add: No more advertise while game is open (fps drops fixed). When game is launched advertisement on client is removed. This improves FPS and CPU usage.

Add: Screenshots information. Screenshots has embebed information.Hardware ID, client IP, Server IP, Screenshot Date.



Fix: Minor bug […]

June 2011

sXe Injected v11.7 Released!

New update sXe Injected v11.7

(!) Fix: Steam compatible (15/04/2011)

(!) Fix: smoke stuff

(!) Fix: bug fixing (OpenGL and drivers general errors)

(+) Add: Tracking functionallity

(+) Add: new hardware id validations