All sXe-Injected feature's CVARs :
__sxei_required 1/0/-1 (1: activated; 0: optional; -1: deactivated)
__sxei_antisound 1/0 (enables/disables AntiSoundHack)
__sxei_awhforteam 1/0 (Makes AntiWallHack blocks/not teammates visibles only with wallhacks)
__sxei_awhfordead 1/0 (Makes AntiWallHack blocks/not deads visibles only with wallhacks)
__sxei_awhforent 1/0 (Makes AntiWallHack blocks/not entities visibles only with wallhacks)
__sxei_screen_save 1/0 (enables/not saving screeshot copy on server)
__sxei_screen_path name (defines path where to save screenshots... I.E. __sxei_screen_path screens you have to create "screens" path on cstrike path). Works if __sxei_screen_save 1
__sxei_16bpp 1/0 (enables/disables detection of 16 bits depth video mode)
__sxei_16bppshow 1/0 (show/hide [16bpp] on player name / default 1)
__sxei_16bppkick 1/0 (kicks/not players using [16bpp] displays a message, default 0)
sXe Injected 13.3 Fix 5 Released!
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